Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Blast From the Past

Way back in August, Elise tagged me in the "Eight Things Meme/Survey." I was honored and told her, "Hey, I'll most definitely do the survey [because I don't use the word "meme"]! Promise. Just you wait." And then when I didn't do the survey, I became a liar. But now I AM doing the survey, which makes me an un-liar ... which begs the questions: Was it ever even a lie since I never gave Elise a time frame for the completion of the survey? Would the lie have only come into effect upon my death -- at which time it would have been a certainty that I'd never get around to doing the survey? Because right NOW I am fulfilling my promise ... a mere seven months later. This makes me very trustworthy, dependable, and one whose word is golden.

Here are the rules for the survey:

"Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog."

The fun part of this whole scenario is going to be when I have to go inform eight six people that I have momentarily risen from the blog underworld and have tagged them to complete a survey that they themselves probably completed seven months ago.

But, pushing fears aside, here we go! Eight things about me.

1. I've lost one of my W-2s. I haven't really looked for it, though, because the thought of NOT finding it, ever, makes me very squeamish and I'd rather live with the unknown for as long as possible. In fact, I know NOTHING about taxes. Zip. Nothing at all. This in turn makes me feel childish and immature.

2. Despite being very immature and young for my age, I have recently purchased a house. I didn't really know what a mortgage was until a couple of years ago. Oh, Journalism degree, why did you fail me in the world of finance?

3. I love math. In fact, in college, I had a friend prepare little math quizzes for me during Photography. I often wonder why I didn't pursue a life of accounting, or some other math-dominate occupation. Then I remember that if I HAD done something of the sort, I'd wish I had journeyed into the land of words.

4. Apparently I am wishy-washy. I like to take on hobbies and then immediately let them fall to the wayside. Like my road-biking phase ... please don't ask my husband about the road-biking phase ...

5. I've started running again. I recently went through the "invalid" phase where I couldn't really walk because of my back, and I had to sleep with a mountain of pillows beneath my knees. Then I got a tiny taste of the flu. But now I'm healthy, which I attribute to the fantastic weather.

6. Daylight Saving Time is one of my favorite days of the year. I wish that the marketing world would decide to transform it into a holiday like Valentine's Day, so that we could all spend tons of money on gifts and celebration!!

7. I actually LOVE Valentine's Day. Always have, coupled or not. I like giving people little random Valentine's gifts, just to have a reason to celebrate. Just to have something to anticipate! Just to look forward to the annual e-card from my dad.

8. I love my dad, and my brother, and my husband. They're my top-three favorite people in the world. They are all very different, and each fulfill separate wonderful needs in my life. This is why I want to give birth to sons, and only sons, and I want this to happen far, far into my future.

I tag Devi, Meredith, Esther, Jen and Then Sum, Girl From the North Country, and ... Elise (I think enough time has lapsed to validate a tag-back) ... and, well, that's it. Two short!


Esther said...

dude, I'm THRILLED to find you're BACK!! How did this decision come about? Such pleasant news for the world!!! ;) I actually went to your blog and realized that you haven't written in FOREVER, so I was sad. This makes me happy!

Happy writing! I look forward to reading your blogs!

Jen said...

While I always appreciate a tag for a meme (yes, I said it), I've already done this one oh, I'd say about 7 months ago.

Boys rock.

So glad you're back!