Thursday, July 26, 2007


Not only does Harry P. not have to be out of my life forever, but I also have an incentive for having children: I can read them Harry's stories and re-live the magic all over again! Why didn't I think of this before?? Being a parent finally sounds like fun.


Devi said...

Hahaha. Love it. And don't forget all the Ramona Quimby books, too.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone is trying to get over a loss. Strange, unpredictable, and erratic behavior is normal during these mourning times, I hear.

So I'm chalking this post up to that.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, no kids right now, please. I can't take it if everyone starts having babies.

You do bring up a good point, though. One of these days, we can all read Harry Potter to our children!

Do you think Rowling was hinting that she would create the Tales of Beedle the Bard?

Anonymous said...

I tagged you! Come read my blog. (Those are the rules of the contest, I have to tell you to come read my blog. And do the tag.)

Anonymous said...

I hate to burst your bubble. But it ain't that fun. That reading part only takes a very small part of their day.

M&Co. at My Own Circle of Confusion

Chantay said...

I finally finished the seventh book or as I came to call it, That-which-can't-be read-quickly. I finally sat down and finished the last 400 pages last night while I was busy not sleeping. I was able to deal with the loss of a great story and characters before I sat down to read the bulk of it last night, making the end less traumatic in the long run. I am at peace with the end result and I look forward to revisiting the whole series once the box sets come out in September.

Jen said...

Hi Amy! That is so funny that you randomly found your name on my blog. Hope you start blogging again!