In hopes that a reinvention of oneself will lead to a more dedicated blogging lifestyle, I have adopted a new work-in-progress (emphasis on "work-in-progress") and am relocating. So go see!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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Labels: Identity Crisis
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Doggy Days
There is something flattering about a dog falling asleep on your toes. He doesn't even care that you need a pedicure.
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Friday, June 06, 2008
Dairy Divine
The day we confirmed the pregnancy via doctor (Kyle wouldn’t believe it till then), we went to Chick-fil-A. (This is when I could eat anything. Oh the naivete of a 4-week-pregnancy!)
Kyle ordered himself a “celebratory ice-cream cone.” I questioned, “Celebratory?”
“Sure. Might as well be.”
And this is one reason I love my husband.
While I cope by utilizing good-natured sarcasm (see last post for reference), he just copes, and moves on gracefully. He’s helped me to realize that, while God is undoubtedly laughing, he’s doing so pleasantly because he knows that he’s given us a gift beyond any other gift. I know he’s right (“he” being God and Kyle), and I’m ready to care for Little One with all my heart. And hopefully along the way I’ll begin feeling maternal. Because right now? Not so much.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Away in a Manger
Why haven't I posted in so long? Because recently my mind has been in a fog, I turn in at 9 p.m., and my meals are peanut-butter sandwiches.
And now? I’m sucking on a “Preggie Pop." A Sour Raspberry Preggie Pop.
Firstly, I’m really curious as to when terms like “preggo” and “preggie” entered our lexicon. I didn’t hear them until about a year ago, when all of my friends in town decided to get themselves fertilized. Kyle and I looked at these couples – as two by two, they fell into the trap – with horror and confusion.
“Why?” we would ask tearfully. “Why do you choose to do this to yourselves?” We had already decided that we were going to need to find younger friends. Maybe join a Singles group.
And now I’m sucking on a Preggie Pop. And God is up there, having a good ol’ time. I hear him laughing every time I turn down Chick-fil-A. I hear him laughing as I suck on my Preggie Pop. I hear him laughing approximately four times every night when I get up to go pee.
Because the doctor, six home pregnancy tests, two ultrasounds and my ever-thickening mid-section have told me that I’m knocked up indeed with child. We have ourselves an Oops!, and nowadays Kyle and I are looking at each other with horror and confusion.
This poor child’s going to be a Christmas baby.